Friday, February 11, 2011



Many of my friends are on Twitter but not me!

I always felt that it was too similar to Facebook status updates.
And that it was pretty 'lame' to keep blabbering about what I am doing constantly.
Eg: "What should I eat?" or "Chris is going to the loo now"

Since I have to write this blog post & due to peer pressure, I decide to give Twitter a chance.
& soon enough, I got hooked.

I realize twitter isn't just merely about twitting the random things we do.
Yes, many of us do that as well.
But we also tweet about many interesting things we see (news), or a new place we visit.
It also keeps us up to date with what's happening to our friends and even celebrities we like.

Twitter is also great for creating or enhancing business opportunities.
The basic logic is that if you have enough followers,
you can always send out info/messages to a large crowd instantly.

I, for one, follows on twitter.
So whenever they have a promotion (free shipping or sales), I will be informed.
I think this is very effective as many youngsters check their twitter much more often than their E-mails.
I am one of them!

Unlike Facebook status updates, only those we follow us get to see our tweets.
Similarly, we only get to see the tweets of those we follow (meaning you can ignore updates from people you don't really care to know about. Haha)

Also, we can choose to tag relevant people in our tweets.
Yes, you can do that on FB too, but the one thing that is very annoying on FB is that you get alerted whenever someone (even if you don't know them) comments on a thread you previously did.

However, Twitter and Facebook are not mutually exclusive.
We can now turn out tweets into FB status updates when u add a #fb at the end of the tweet.
Hope that piece of info helps those of you who doesn't know it yet. ^^

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